Andrea Subissati is an award-winning writer, podcaster and content creator. Just don’t say her name five times in a mirror.
Andrea joined the staff of Rue Morgue magazine in 2014 and became Executive Editor in 2017. In 2010, her masters thesis on the social impact of zombie cinema was published under the title When There’s No More Room In Hell: The Sociology of the Living Dead. Since then, she has been published in The Undead and Theology (2012), The Canadian Horror Film: Terror of the Soul (2015) Yuletide Terror: Christmas Horror on Film and Television (2017) and Scared Sacred: Idolatry, Religion and Worship in the Horror Film (2020). In addition to writing, she is co-host and producer of the award-winning Faculty of Horror Podcast with Alexandra West. She hosts Rue Morgue TV and has appeared in the horror documentary Why Horror? (2014), CTV’s Pop Life, Banger TV‘s Locked Horns and Hollywood Suite’s A Year In Film.